Letters from our Readers – #225

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“Thanks for teaching truth and for your books.”


“For many years I have been blessed with your publications. They are timely and filled with much truth. I am a careful student of the Bible and I have not found anything objectionable in any issue that I have read. I hope I can continue to receive it even though at present I cannot send money to help with the cost, even though I would if I could. I have recently moved and I wish to inform you of my new address. Thanks so much.”


“Please use this contribution to keep the presses rolling. We are keeping you in our prayers.”

North Carolina

“Thank you for your ministry!”


“Brother Lynnford you are in my prayers. Hope to hear from you soon. I will send you progress notes. And yes, I want on the newsletter list. I will always want what your mission has to offer. You are the one who showed me the way to heaven. With much love your brother in Christ…”

Prisoner in Arkansas

“Present Truth, Hello, I saw your ad for your newsletter and I was hoping that you could send them to me. Thank you for your time and effort.”

Prisoner in Florida

“The reason why I am writing to you is because ____ shared your book with me. I am wondering, if I could obtain a small box of books from you, maybe around 100. How much would that cost us? Please find the most reasonable way to ship it to Iceland.”


“I just wanted to write you a quick note of thanks for sending me the 100 Bible Facts on the Sabbath Question. Nowadays, there are a lot of Rock and Roll music concerts and football games on Sabbath. I’m surprised that there are still people out there who strive to keep the Sabbath holy!”


“Hello Present Truth Fellowship. I would like to request a free copy of The Mark of the Beast, Shelter in the Storm, The Law of God, 100 Facts About the Sabbath, and The Source of Love. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration. The Present Truth pamphlets bring me joy and peace. May God bless you continually along your journey.”

Prisoner in New York

“I have just finished studying the Present Truth February 2011 which you sent me on feast days. The Lord has really blessed you. You write so we can make sense of this subject. Thank you.… Keep up the good work. I am praying for your ministry.”


“Thank you for your hard work. God bless you. Blessings and Prayers.”


“Dear Brother Beachy, I received your little book, Putting on the New Man. Incredible writing! Please send as many as you can to give to others. Thank you! Sincerely in Christ.”
