Is the Holy Spirit God?

Question: Is the Holy Spirit God?holy spirit

“Is the Holy Spirit God?”



That is like asking, “Is the spirit of Lynnford Lynnford?” or “Is the spirit of Lynnford human?” If we wish to distinguish the spirit of Lynnford from another person, then yes, the spirit of Lynnford is Lynnford. If we wish to define the nature of the spirit of Lynnford, then yes, Lynnford’s spirit is human. However, Lynnford, who is human, is made up of more than just his spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, not a separate God, or being apart from God Himself. The Bible says, “God is a Spirit” (John 4:24), but God is more than that because He has hands, a head, hair, a form, a garment, He can sit, etc. (Revelation 5:1; Daniel 7:9; Philippians 2:6) God is a complete being. The Apostle James wrote, “The body without the spirit is dead.” (James 2:26) There is more to an individual than just his spirit, but the spirit of an individual is “the inner man,” (Ephesians 3:16) the part of man that goes “back to God” in an unconscious state at death, and will “put on immortality” if that man is righteous.

God is a Spirit, but there is more to God than Spirit. He also has a body, a form. So to say “God is a Spirit” is accurate, but to turn it around and say, “the Spirit is God,” is not completely true, because God is more than just Spirit. The Bible says “God is love,” but to turn it around and say “love is God” would not be true, because God is much more than love. The same can be said of the statement, “God is light.” (1 John 1:5) The Holy Spirit is not someone other than God and, in that sense, the Holy Spirit is God, but God is more than just His Spirit, and we should not worship, praise, or pray to His Spirit.

I hope this helps to clarify your question.