“I am writing you this day to thank you all at Present Truth Fellowship for the subscription. I thoroughly enjoy reading all that is contained in every issue. I do not know how you acquired my name (I do have suspicion though). I am very honored and humbled that you reached out to witness to me.… I have a new address. Please continue to share the Present Truth with me as I share with you. Thank you all for your service in the gospel and your love for the Master and His family.”
Prisoner in Michigan
(Thank you so much for your encouragement and for sending us your new address. Editor)
“Thank you very much for your most precious materials posted this May for me to study. They arrived just recently with your letter all hand written… I have wondered in regard to Martin Luther and the history of the Protestant Reformation…. I am most appreciative for your March 1999 & September/ October 2017 newsletters. I want to thank you so much in the truest sense of the word with this letter right now, sir.”
“Could you please email me a copy of A Time to Choose. I need more info about the whole Sabbath subject. I keep the Sabbath carefully but not on Saturday. I struggle with this issue as I read Acts 15:20 and also when I consider that we are not under the law but under grace. Perhaps you can help clarify. I stumbled upon your sight when looking for a picture of Zechariah 4 and I found you had a picture which led me here. Your article on Present Truth [Why the Protest?] was exceptional! I see this same movement of unity that was pushed by Constantine being pushed on the church today where there is this connecting of Protestantism and Catholicism into a false unity. May God richly bless you!”
“Hello brother. I am glad to have you as my friend and a brother in faith. I have been reading your booklets about the Godhead and they are wonderful. I am sorry that we didn’t ask permission because we are reproducing them here in Philippines. We just Xerox them. We distribute them to those people we come in contact with.”
(We are excited to know that others are sharing the message. Duplication is not only permitted but strongly encouraged, as long as our contact information is retained. Editor)
“To all at Present Truth, Keep spreading God’s truth! God bless you all.”