“I want you to know that I enjoy your messages in Present Truth!!! We have learned so much. My wife and I have been so blessed since we have been keeping the 7th day!! Thanks again for Present Truth.”
“A brother passed along a newsletter from you, and I cannot express what a blessing it is to me. It is the June-July 2018 issue. While the Lord did show me the words in Galatians 2:20, ‘The Faith of the Son of God,’ not faith in, but faith of, I had not seen it in the other verses you included in the teaching. For where I am in my walk right now, and what the Lord is teaching me, it was, of course, His perfect timing in receiving it. Facing 46 more years in prison, and having the Lord show me more than once, that the door will open, and I will go home and serve Him. I am almost 64 years old. I am His, all His, and as He gives me opportunity to serve Him here, and study, I am growing in faith. We serve a merciful and gracious God. Please send me a copy of your Present Truth newsletter, which I will study, and pass on. The Lord’s richest blessing upon you. May He continue to use you in small and great ways.”
Prisoner in New York
“I am requesting four more copies of your magazine, ‘The Faith of the Son of God.’ It was very inspirational. I am enclosing a check for $10.00 to cover your costs. I have joined a prison ministry and send letters to five inmates. I am primarily sharing Jesus with them through Bible promises, chain-marking Bible studies and now your magazine. My three favorite things to do in life are talking, reading, and writing. So I have already sent two letters to them and here comes the third. I am so excited and look forward to their letters.”
(Thank you so much for your service to reach out to prisoners and those in need. I really appreciate you sharing your testimony. Editor)
“I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and have been studying with the Seventh-day Adventists since September of 2017. I have not been baptized yet. I was given your booklets, Understanding the Personality of God, and Answering Objections. Wow! What an eye opener! I would like you to please send me God’s Love on Trial and The Formulation of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Is there a local church here in Oregon that could reach out to me?”
Prisoner in Oregon
“Thank you so much for sending Present Truth to me by mail for the last few years. I have always enjoyed, and have been greatly benefited by, reading them. They speak directly to my heart, similar to when I am reading the Bible. English is my second language which I have learned only in my adult life when I migrated from Europe. I have sometimes had difficulties to understand the full and proper meaning of Bible verses. Especially in the King James Version, after I was convinced not to use the NIV or Good News Bibles. Recently I have been introduced by a friend to issues of the Trinity, taught by most Christians of the world and by my own church as well… I humbly request two copies of Understanding the Personality of God and its companion book, Answering Objections. I hope they will be yet another right piece of the puzzle in a beautiful, yet forgotten or purposefully changed, teaching of the Bible. May our heavenly Father richly bless you personally, your family, and Present Truth Fellowship.”
“I was very pleased to receive the books from you in such a timely manner. I am enjoying the readings. They are very well written. I am very interested to know if you have any writings on the following subjects, Heaven/Hell, Punishment of the wicked, State of the dead, Three days and three nights, Second coming of Christ, Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, Sabbath/Sunday question, and Was evil created by God? I would very much like to swap information so all of us can be better enlightened into God’s word. PS: You didn’t tell me how much the books were, so I enclosed the postage plus some for the books. If that does not cover the cost of the books, please let me know.”
(Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. Yes, we have studies on those topics. They have been sent to you. We send everything for free. Donations are appreciated, but not required, so we do not send a bill. Jesus said, “freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). Editor)
“Since I have on file several years of past dated publications I began sending many of these to 4 separate inmates in Harare Prison, Zimbabwe. I have sent many of our publications throughout the years, which gets a little expensive, but since I have many of the newsletters from selected ministries I can send several at one time to each inmate. Sorry to say, one of these newsletters I plan (selfishly) to keep. The May 2006 Brazil Trip Report by our own Pastor Lynnford, cheered my heart all over again. It was as if I was reading it for the first time. I dearly love these reports. I am going to keep it so I can read it many times over in the coming months, should time last that long. Brother Lynnford, I wouldn’t wish you away from your family, but is there an upcoming mission trip in the making by any chance. Your reports are like dessert at the end of a spiritual meal. I wish you all peace and happiness in the coming days.”
“PS I forgot to mention what a great ‘Trip Report’ (April-May 2015) Brother Lynnford wrote on the Dominican Republic. That’s what I originally meant to comment on, then I read the 2006 report, commenting on it, and forgetting the most recent. Brother Lynnford, you are off the hook for now. Love you all.”