Letters from our Readers – Aug-Sep 2016

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“I would like to ask you if I can receive the Present Truth newsletters. I really enjoy reading it and doing the crossword in the back. Thank you for your time.”

Prisoner in Arkansas

“Love getting your newsletter!”


“I just wanted to let you know people I have been sharing the booklet Christ in You really enjoy it, I shared it with a lady last Sabbath and when I saw her again Sunday morning for church business meeting she was saying how much she liked it and couldn’t put it down, she said this is what she has been looking for… Then she asked if there were a set of Bible study guides that incorporate these beliefs, that could be used in studying with others. …If you could send me some more of the Christ in You booklets or any sharing/study material it would be greatly appreciated. Blessings! May God continue to guide in speading His truths.”


“Please add this name and address to your mailing list: ____. Thank you and maybe the $20.00 will help a little. God bless you!”


“After partly reading your publication from Mr. ____ who is a mobile photographer and does not stay with us here in ____, I would like you to send me the following books, Understanding the Personality of God, Answering Objections, and God’s Love on Trial. Please also enroll me for the monthly reception of Present Truth.”


“Understanding the Personality of God was a wonderful little book. Do you have one or two more spare ones as I would like to be able to loan it to people without using mine.”

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“Your newsletters have been a wonderful blessing to me. They have been helping me to keep my mind and heart on the correct path, the truth of God. I thank you for this.

“Recently I have been moved to another facility and my address has changed. I would like to continue receiving your newsletters because they have been a great blessing to me. My new address is listed below, would you please update my address information in your system. Thank you. May God bless your ministry greatly.”

Prisoner in Missouri

“I love your message always! Keep up God’s good work. You are an inspiration to me!! I come from a similar background, I struggled in the past with substance abuse and still it occasionally rears it’s ugly head in my life. But Jesus is and always will be my help and salvation, your words always confirm my faith, thank you brother.”

South Carolina

“I appreciated your article on ‘Who is Your Father’ in August’s issue. I had never thought of it in this light.”


“I am a prisoner at a New York State Prison… this place changed everything about me. I lost my faith in friends and family and sought God in all the wrong places. I was raised Christian. Whatever that meant, but my heart never was there. Here in prison I sought out Judaism until I was met with prejudice and hypocrisy. I tried Catholic and all of their confusing sermons, etc. Now since 2010 I practiced Islam up to now. When a friend introduced me to a book entitled, Understanding the Personality of God by Lynnford Beachy. After reading this booklet, I am not so sure that I want to be Muslim, especially when I just learned that it proclaims and promotes killing Jews, Christians, and any non-Muslims.

“I believe in one God, the Father, and I believe Jesus was God’s prophet, and that I need to know more about Jesus’ God. I am certain that I have never seen anything like the booklet I read (cited above.) I know now that I may die in prison, and my story will not be known… I am a broken man, slowly dying being away from my son unjustly. But I know one thing, your booklet has struck a nerve, I need to know more. It seems that my body is doomed to die in prison, but I must seek to save my soul and know the truth about God. I believe you at Present Truth Ministries can help me, and for this reason I write you.”

(The same man later wrote:     Editor)

“Thank you for the literature. Clearly, one is never too old to learn. Your understaning of the Scripture is spectacular and amazing. Humble yourself to know God the Father has by His love and mercy granted you such a wonderful gift of comprehension! I never saw or read, or heard anyone explain Scripture as you do. Thank you!

“In the name of Jesus the Christ I pray that Father God continue His blessings upon you, and everyone you love. What you are doing is strong, powerful, for it is by God’s will that it is done. You have given me a new eye to see God’s word, and the difference between God the Father and Jesus Christ. Amen. Glory and praise be to God. Amen.”

Prisoner in New York

“Here it is August and I have just finally gotten around to reading the July Present Truth. The Spirit of God was surely with you as you penned the words. What a marvelous presentation. I hope you have some more copies of this issue. I would like a few. If not I will take it apart and have it copied at the print shop. Especially the article ‘The Faith of Christ in Action.’ Your experiences in South America were also inspiring. Looking forward to seeing you in September.”


“I am looking forward to getting my PT newsletter each month. Please keep me on your mailing list.”


“Please send your Present Truth Biblical study paper. Thank you for your offer.”

Belize – Central America