Letters from our Readers – December 2018

“Would you please send your Present Truth paper to my grandson? If possible, send it to me also. I would love copies of all of your crossword puzzles. You should put those in a book. Every grandmother would buy it. It is a wonderful tool for teaching the Bible and where the books are. I would gladly pay for the copies. Thank you and God bless you. PS. Use this $10.00 as an offering. It is not much but maybe it can be used for God’s work. He put it on my heart to send it.”


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“On October 6, we stayed at a motel in Siloam Springs. I had prayed that God would lead in witnessing, so I visited with the desk clerk. I noticed your booklet Present Truth and asked the desk clerk about it since a town called Kansas in Oklahoma seemed funny. She didn’t know about the booklet, and I hadn’t read it, but I asked her if she had the everlasting life mentioned on the back (John 3:16). She replied no, so I explained more and stressed how important it is. Later a man took her place and I asked him about the plants in the lobby. He said they were used to worship their gods, and he pointed to a Buddhist or Hindu little shrine. So I mentioned creation and how important it is to respond to the great effort our Creator made for us. I pointed to John 3:16 on your booklet and talked with him about everlasting life also. I took a booklet to show my family, and stopped to talk to a cleaning lady. As I showed her the booklet, she reached out and kept it, so I went back for another one. I read your booklet when I got home and wanted you to know I appreciate your article, ‘The Faith of the Son of God.’ I pray that your outreach at that motel will be blessed and your ministry also.”


“What is the Gospel was an awesome article!!!! Totally explained my question as well. So we get the same advantage Jesus had after we are born again. Thank you! Well it was very timely as I gave it to a coworker that I have been giving bible studies to and he almost broke down in tears as he’d been looking for that exact information!!! Lynnford, ‘Vain Religion’ is another great article! You are right I think about not being judged by what we believe but if Christ was living in us or not. Cuts right to the point!”


“I’m writing to thank you for getting me on your mailing list so quickly and I really appreciated the Aug.-Nov. 2018 Present Truth, including the Kids’ Korner! Would you please be so kind as to send me a copy of Rescued from Addiction, You Must be Born Again, God’s Love Revealed in Hell, June-July 2018 issue of Present Truth, and maybe even the first issue of this year if it’s not too much trouble. Thank you so very much, and may God’s rich blessing rest upon you.”


“We look forward to your monthly Present Truth articles. They bring us closer to Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The Aug-Nov 2018 study on ‘What is the Gospel’ had so much true information we will read it several times. May the Spirit of God always be with you. ‘God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth’ (John 4:24).”


“Greeting and multiplied blessing in the holy name of our Blessed Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. I thank our God daily for you in my prayers, for your faithfulness to God and His Word. I thank God you did not go to a seminary and get brain washed, but were/are trained and taught by the Spirit of God, ‘the Spirit of truth,’ as you rightly divide the word. I am blessed through your writings. I always sense your deep submission to Christ, the Word of God and true humility before God and man ever since I met you a few years ago when you came to the Cleveland airport. How you have blessed my life and growth in Christ, the Word. I am 88 years young and being greatly tested in all areas of my life and can attest with joy that those who choose to live godly in Christ shall suffer persecution. Your writings are my bread and I look forward to your letters. May God bless you and keep you unto that great and glorious day of Christ our Lord.”


“Enclosed is funds for a copy of The Formulation of the Doctrine of the Trinity. I have been reading and enjoying very much the ‘Letters from our Readers’ page. This is the page I got the info on this article. Thank you for all your help.”

New York

“Thank you for the paper. I love the crosswords… I would like a copy of Rescued from Addiction please. I have read and heard of your life story, but I said to my friend, I would like to have it on hand to give to others to read in the hope that it can help others. God bless!”


“May God richly bless you and your ministries. We enjoy your paper so much. They are so simply written and easy to understand. And Full of Truth. I look forward to reading them. God bless!”
