Letters from our Readers – Jan-Mar 2018


“I have given away all of your little booklets that I had and could use more if that is possible. May the Lord bless you and your ministry.”


“Today I received the Present Truth dated November December 2017 and read your article, “What Motivates You?” It is a well written article and I learned about motivation and what motivates me from the article. On the back page inside there are four books I would like to order if possible, Christ in You, God’s Love on Trial, Understanding the Personality of God, Answering Objections. Do you have a list of other books to order from and do you offer any Bible studies by mail. Thank you for your help.”

Download in PDF or RTF or DOC


(Yes, we do have a list of books and we do offer Bible studies by mail.     Editor)

“I am no longer a part of the Roman Catholic Church Faith, for over 50 years now. It has a lot to do with the papal doctrine, dogma, teachings, most of which are pagan. …I was told from my parish priest that only he can interpret the Catholic Bible. The other Bibles are on the forbidden list. …I found your booklet, God’s Love on Trial, in a Seventh-day Adventist book center in the second hand section where many various other theological books are placed.…”


“Be encouraged. You are loved and appreciated! I read your studies every issue – they are my Sabbath study. You are blessed with the gentle and graceful heart of our Lord Jesus. Thank you for your ministry. You are my pastor. Lots of love.”


“I am writing to let you know I haven’t received a newsletter in a few months. The last one I received was June. I didn’t ask to be dropped from your mailing list. If it did happen, can you start sending my Present Truth newsletter again? I do miss reading them. God bless all of you in these last and evil days.”


(We really appreciate you making sure we have your correct address.  Editor)

“I would like to know if you offer some spiritual material to us prisoners. If you do, I would like to receive anything you offer, like newsletter, Bible studies, etc. For I want to keep learning about our Saviour Jesus Christ. Also just in case you have anything in Spanish, it will be good.”

Prisoner in Texas