“I received the new Present Truth booklet today and learned a lot from the articles. I really liked the article on ‘Thriving in the Last Days.’ At the end of the article you said contact us for two booklets entitled, The Mark of the Beast, and The Millennium. I am writing for them as I am very interested in those topics. Thank you very much. May God bless!”
“I just read the August/September issue of Present Truth, ‘Rescued from the Pit.’ I thought it was an awesome story. I really liked it. It reminded me of my story. I’m 31, about to turn 32 in jail. For the past ten years I’ve been using drugs up until six months ago, well except alcohol. Ever since I quit drugs, alcohol has been a crutch. The problem is I drink too much. (A sad story was shared of how alcohol caused him to be put in jail. –Editor) So, I have come to a conclusion. I am never drinking again and I am going to church instead of jail from now on. Since I’ve had no contact with anybody while I have been in here, I’m asking for help, a prayer, a letter, or something from somebody, some sign that things will be okay. So, please, write me back or something. I have no one. God bless.”
Prisoner in Arkansas
(You have made a good decision to stop using drugs and alcohol. Those things have hurt many lives. For those reading this, there are many prisoners who could use some spiritual encouragement. If you could help by writing letters, please contact us and we will put you in touch with some prisoners. Editor)
“We are glad your ‘long delay’ is over and you are back on track. We praise the Lord with you for His mercies in keeping us through these challenging times. We do appreciate your articles in the Present Truth and booklets we have read. We have God’s Love on Trial, Christ in You, The Personality of God, and Answering Objections. Please send us copies of those you mentioned in the latest newsletter, Jacob’s Trouble, The Mark of the Beast, and The Millennium. Please send two of each. We like to read together. Here is a contribution for your work. I hope to see you at the Roan Mountain Camp Meeting again this year.”
North Carolina
(I plan to be there, so I look forward to seeing you. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Editor)
“We enjoy getting the Present Truth magazine. One of the ladies in the nursing home has asked if we could get her something that she can give out to the workers. I showed her your magazine and she would like me to have 20 copies sent to her each time they are printed so she can give them out. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry.”
(We currently send out almost 200 extra newsletters to ten people or ministries who have requested them. If you would like extra to share, let us know. Editor).
“I am incarcerated in the state of Arkansas, hopefully getting out soon. I am currently in recovery groups and highly religious and totally enjoyed the newsletter. I would like to get on the mailing list. I am looking for a local church in the area. I will also be looking for recovery groups upon release. I absolutely love church, I just haven’t had much of a chance to find one in the area. I would appreciate your monthly newsletter and other religious literature or daily readings.”
Prisoner in Arkansas
“Thank you for the Present Truth. It arrived when I needed it most! Tell me that God doesn’t know! I am 85 years old, looking forward to 86. Do you have anyone on your list for Present Truth close to me in West Virginia, who I could communicate with? Please keep the Present Truth coming. They are a rich blessing.”
West Virginia
(This is a common question. I will never give out contact information for anyone without their permission, so if you would like to be contacted by people like the one above, please send me your contact information so I can share with those in need. Editor).
“I just finished reading one of the pamphlets you gave me. The way you talked about peer pressure and how big of an influence it had on your youth. I could relate to you in many ways. I have let peer pressure weaken me for too long. It’s time I start being my own person. I have recognized that I need to find God before I can find who I am. In your testimony you talked about that book you read, Steps to Christ. You said it helped you understand things about yourself and it helped you along the way. I would like to read that book if you can still get me a coy. It would be much appreciated and would mean a lot to me. I also liked the part where you talked to a Satanist who said he wanted to kill you. I like the way you responded, ‘What good will that do for you, give you a higher rank in hell?’ I also admired how you quoted the Bible and said God is going to win in the end. Well spoken to say the least. Your story gave my soul energy to find more and be close to God. this.”
Juvenile Prisoner in Arkansas
A couple days later he wrote,
“Hi, I wrote you a few days ago… I did not know I could ask for a monthly subscription of your study. I would love if you could send me more studies to read. I will write you from my new address when I have one. You also had a thing in the back of your testimony about two books called, Personality of God, and Answering Objections. I was wondering if you could send me a copy of these in English. I want to know and learn as much as possible about God.”
Juvenile Prisoner in Arkansas