“I have a booklet written by you titled, Understanding the Personality of God. Could you tell me how I could get more of these, and any others you might have? Also, do you have anything in Spanish?”
(We have this book and many others in English and Spanish. We will print a sample list of publications in an upcoming issue of Present Truth. Editor)
“Hello, I would like to have extra newsletters sent to me monthly. If possible, send 50. I share with my friends. I would like 15 copies of each of these: ‘Moved with Compassion’ – August 2017, ‘You Must be Born Again’ – June 2017, ‘Walking with God’ – August 2010, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’ – April 2010.”
Puerto Rico
(We are more than happy to send you extra copies each month. Currently we send over 350 to eighteen different people who have requested extras. I pray that they will bless many people. Thank you for your request and willingness to bless others. Editor)
“This is just a quick note to say, ‘Thank you for the Bible study we did together on December 2.’ After reading through Understanding the Personality of God I stopped at page 38 to claim the promise of Revelation 3:20. I have been taught that every conversion recorded in the book of Acts follows the same five-step process: 1) Hear, 2) Believe, 3) Repent, 4) Be baptized, 5) Share. Therefore, the scripture in Revelation 3:20 is not directed at those who are receiving the gospel message for the first time. Rather it is a call to reclaim faith which has been neglected and in danger of being lost. A reading in context makes this abundantly clear. Nevertheless, I know it applies to me. Like the church at Laodicea I have been lukewarm. Like them, it was necessary that God rebuke and chasten me. At the right moment He used you to bring His word of truth and open my heart… I want to publish a book… I would like to have you pray for me in this work. I also want you to write the chapter on ‘The Biblical View of God’ and I will write ‘The Biblical View of Baptism.’”
Prisoner in Arkansas
“I would like to receive the free subscription offered, I find it to be very encouraging.”
“I so much appreciate the work that you and others are doing by the grace of God.”
North Carolina
“Thank you so much for sending me the requested booklets. It took them more than one month to reach our shores and the postage was not very cheap as well. I have already started to study, Understanding the Personality of God. Once again, thank you and God bless.”
“Dear Brother, Thank you for sending Present Truth. It was in much need.”
“We trust that you are well by the grace of God. Just to give you an update on how your work is being a blessing here in South Africa. We have just finished our second print run of books. Our first run was 100 x Christ in You and 100 x God’s Love on Trial. We have just printed our second run which consisted of 100 x Christ in You, 200 x God’s Love on Trial, 50 x Understanding the Personality of God, 50 x Answering Objections. All these books are handed out free of charge to whoever shows interest. Please see the attached photo. Already many have stated that these books have been a great blessing. We praise the Lord for your commitment and work. May our Lord continue to bless you as you are a blessing to others.”
South Africa
“I want to say that your little paper is very welcome in my mailbox and I believe that the inclusion of material for the young is ever so important.”