Letters from our Readers – Sep-Oct 2017

“I want to thank you for the extra books I received. The other books you gave me I have given them all away. I want to invite you to come to Ashland, AL and visit the church that God built. It is on Owens Road, off of Highway 77. Please let people know they can come to our non-denominational church. God bless you all richly.”

Nursing Home Resident in Alabama

“Thank you for your Present Truth booklet. This issue came on time to press upon my heart I must be born again. Thank you for a thorough study of this subject and this Bible study. The Spirit of the Lord constrained me to understand how to deny self, take up my cross, and follow Him. Blessings to you! I do not know how you got my name and address, but I give God the glory for your work. Enclosed is a small token of love for keeping this work going. Please send the same copy to my daughter. Thank you.”


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“Hi Lynnford, I was so blessed by your compassion sermon. That is the heart of the gospel. Best I have ever seen. Thank you! I shared it Sabbath with my family.”
