Present Truth Greeting – #225



Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.” (Titus 1:4). Instead of using “I’m human” as an excuse to walk in the flesh, try using “I’m born of God” as an excuse to walk in the Spirit.

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You are Invited to our non-denominational Bible studies in Siloam Springs, Arkansas on Saturdays and Tuesdays at 7pm. You can also join us on or by phone at 929-205-6099, ID 2463500277. Call 304-633-5411 for more info.

Florida Camp Meeting: We will be having a camp meeting January 6-8, 2022 in DeLand, Florida. More info can be found at or 870-751-2130.


In This Issue:

The Three Angels’ Messages (Part 1)

by Lynnford Beachy

New Booklet Available!

by Lynnford Beachy

Letters from our Readers

You Still Chose Me!

by Laura Beachy

Edible Wild Plants

by Lynnford Beachy

Kids’ Korner