Sample Publications – Nov-Dec 2015

Sample of Available Printed Publications

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These are just a few of the many publications we have available. Pamphlets marked with * are available in Spanish. See the July 2015 issue of Present Truth for more titles.


GLOT_CoverGod’s Love on Trial

This 44-page book reveals how God’s love has been under attack by the invention of false theories about God that misrepresent His character. Here you will see why it is so important to know God.*

100 Facts About the Sabbath100 Bible Facts on the Sabbath Question

This 4-page tract contains thought provoking questions and answers about the seventh-day Sabbath from history and the Bible.*

Personality of God - Color Cover-900Understanding the Personality of God

This 54-page book is a thorough Bible study on the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit of God, demonstrating that Jesus Christ truly is the Son of God who really died for our sins.

time to chooseA Time to Choose

This 28-page book identifies the beast, the mark of the beast and the number of his name. For indisputable Bible evidence on this important topic you must read A Time to Choose.

Form_Trin2The Formulation of the Doctrine of the Trinity

This 24-page book is an examination of the history of one of the most mysterious doctrines ever to be taught in Christianity.*

FinIdentityding Your Identitynew

This tract was the lead article in the June 2015 issue of Present Truth. It focuses on our need to find our identity in Jesus Christ instead of other people, our possessions, or talents. We have had many positive responses from this article, along with a request to turn it into a pamphlet.


LoveThe Incredible Love of Godnew

This tract was the lead article in the January 2015 issue of Present Truth. It focuses on how deeply God loves us. We have had many positive responses from this article as well, so we decided to turn it into a pamphlet. It is one of the easiest tracts to share.

Importance of Knowing TAGThe Importance of Knowing the Truth About God

This 12-page booklet explains why it is so important to know the truth about God and His Son.

What Must I do to be SavedWhat Must I do to be Saved?

A tract explaining the basics of salvation, along with Lynnford’s personal testimony of how God delivered him from drugs and alcohol.

200 Omissions200 Omissions

A tract listing 200 omissions in most of the newer Bible translations.


What Happens After DeathWhat Happens After Death?

This 12-page booklet is an in-depth study into what the Bible says about the condition of those who have died.*

What the Bible Says About HellGod’s Love Revealed in Hell

This 12-page booklet reveals what the Bible says about hades, hell, and gehenna fire.*

MillenniumThe Millennium

This 12-page booklet is a Bible study about the 1,000-year millennium as well as the rapture of God’s people.

Kingdom of HeavenThe Kingdom of Heaven

This 8-page booklet examines what God’s kingdom is, and how we can be a part of it.