“I would like to know what denomination your publication is associated with.”
Present Truth is a publication of Present Truth Ministries. We are a small ministry dedicated to providing truth-filled literature to the world. Our main goal is to more clearly reveal the character of God so that people will have a better understanding of God’s character enabling them to have a closer relationship with Him.
We do not have a large operation and we are not affiliated with any denomination.
We have a print shop where we write and print our own literature. Much of our literature is designed to present truth that has been hidden for many centuries, and to reveal truth that is “present truth” for our day. Our literature is sent to nearly every state in the United States, and many countries around the world.
Many like believers worship together around the world in small home churches or they meet in buildings they rent or they have built their own churches to worship in. There may be one of these home churches in your local area. If you are interested in being able to meet with other like believers in your area, contact us and we will try to get you in contact with someone close to you.