December 2018
Dear Readers,
“Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:2). Trusting in God and His Word is our strength!
Upcoming Meetings: Lynnford Beachy will be speaking in Lincoln, Nebraska, January 26; with Matt Dooley in Auburn, Maine, February 8, 9; and in Dubuque, Iowa, February 23. Call 304-633-5411 for more information.
You are Invited: We are having non-denominational Bible studies on Saturday evenings in Kansas, Oklahoma. We meet at 5:30pm for a light supper followed by music and a Bible study. All of our friends and neighbors are invited to join us. We hope to see you here! Call 304-633-5411 for more information.
An Apology
Last month I wrote, “…we have been given another chance, a second probation.” Someone informed me that this could be understood to mean after death we have a second chance for salvation. This is not at all what I meant. I am sorry for leaving room for that interpretation. The fate of all are sealed when they die (Hebrews 9:27). Editor
In This Issue:
Preach the Gospel?
by Lynnford Beachy
Assurance of Salvation
by Tom Wofford