Sample of Available Printed Publications
These are just a few of the many publications we have available. Pamphlets marked with * are available in Spanish. Those marked with ►will be available in Spanish soon.
God’s Love on Trial
This 44-page book reveals how God’s love has been under attack by the invention of false theories about God that misrepresent His character. Here you will see why it is so important to know God.* |
Christ in You
This 10-page booklet emphasizes the need to truly have Christ living in you. It focuses on Christ as our Comforter and gives a biblical perspective on the Holy Spirit of God.* |
Understanding the Personality of God
This 54-page book is a thorough Bible study on the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit of God, demonstrating that Jesus Christ truly is the Son of God who really died for our sins. ► |
Answering Objections
This 54-page book is a companion to Understand-ing the Personality of God. It is an in-depth Bible study on all of the verses used to discredit the facts found in that book. ► |
Heresies Among You
This pamphlet is a Bible study showing why God allows false teachings to be among His people. It is a call for everyone to study the Bible for ourselves rather than trusting humans to tell us what is true. |
Finding Your Identity
This tract was the lead article in the June 2015 issue of Present Truth. It focuses on our need to find our identity in Jesus Christ instead of other people, our possessions, or talents. We have had many positive responses from this article, along with a request to turn it into a pamphlet.
The Incredible Love of God
This tract was the lead article in the January 2015 issue of Present Truth. It focuses on how deeply God loves us. We have had many positive responses from this article as well, so we decided to turn it into a pamphlet. It is one of the easiest tracts to share. |
Study to Show Thyself Approved
A tract advertising the free monthly newsletter Present Truth. It challenges people to study the Bible for themselves rather than accepting whatever men tell them about the Bible. |
Shelter in the Storm
A study showing the Bible’s instruction for us to be ready to withstand the coming crisis by having a strong relationship with God, by knowing His love for us in giving His only begotten Son to die for us.* |
The Law of God
This tract is a comparison of the law of God in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and how man has tried to change it.* |