Prophecy Archive

Shall the church not share the great tribulation the world had never heard of?

Question: “Shall the church not share the great tribulation the world had never heard of? (Matthew 24:22) Will this come after the Second Coming of Christ as many preach?” Nigeria Answer: Yes, the church will be here during the great tribulation. The tribulation will ...Read More

Could you please help me understand when this counsel of peace ‘took place’ or ‘is taking place’?”

Question: “I have a question that I did not see before, concerning the counsel of peace. Maybe I do not correctly understand the wording. It says: ‘The counsel of peace shall be between them both,’ which sounds like a prophecy of a future event. “We have ...Read More

Will the earth abide forever?

Question: Will the earth abide forever? “What is the clear meaning or explanation for the following verses: Ecclesiastes 1:4; Psalm 100:1; Isaiah 60:1; and Isaiah 45:18.” Ghana Answer: “One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.” (Ecclesiastes 1:4) The ...Read More

09 – Chapter 9 – Sunday Legislation

Whence came Sunday Legislation? What is its origin? What is its character? What does it mean to the people of the States, of the United States, and of the world? These questions are pre-eminently pertinent everywhere in the United States today; for in the ...Read More